Unite, Respect, Connect
Unite Respect Connect
Huddersfield Group of United Reformed Churches’ community project
Action without Vision is only passing time, Vision without Action is merely Daydreaming, But vision with Action can change the world (Nelson Mandela)
Our vision is to see the communities we are part of flourish through working in partnership with other organisations and with local residents to deliver activities and projects that help people to improve their lives and the lives of others.
The project began in 2018 in the Dalton Ward of Huddersfield, led by Moldgreen URC, but now also involved Waverley URC who meet in the FOCAL centre at Lindley.
Our work with the community is varied, from large events like a lantern parade in 2018 and our Little Lights Switch on in 2024 to smaller, more regular events that bring people together like our Warm Welcomes sessions at Moldgreen URC and being involved in Fabulous Fridays at the FOCAL centre. We are currently working with a number of other groups across Huddersfield to offer creative opportunities and brighten up community facilities through taking part in the WOVEN festival, happening across Kirklees.
We help residents who need support through our community food cupboard outside Moldgreen URC and help improve the community through maintaining our church gardens, which are open for anyone to enjoy, and we have taken on the upkeep of the community planters in Moldgreen.
We give our time to support other organisations making a difference in our communities such as local schools, Dalton Together and the FOCAL centre.
If you are interested in learning more or have ideas of things you would like to see happening in the community please contact helensnashall21 @ gmail.com or find Unite Respect Connect – Huddersfield on Facebook.